Tag: Ninja and Pirate

  • Ninja and Pirate: Party in the Geneva Convention

    Ninja and Pirate: Party in the Geneva Convention

    Reblog via Ninja and Pirate Party in the Geneva Convention Honestly, they should have chosen “Wrecking Ball”. Not because it’s a worse song it just, you know, fits the theme better.


  • Ninja and Pirates: Snakes & Arrows

    Ninja and Pirates: Snakes & Arrows

    Reblog via Ninja and Pirate Happy Birthday to one of my best buddies around: Brian Gordon of Fowl Language Comics! Brian has taken me under his wing and helped me become a better comic artist. I’ve tabled with him at cons, drawn bizarre doodles with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…


  • Ninja and Pirate: CreADHD

    Ninja and Pirate: CreADHD

    Reblog via Ninja and Pirate Guys this is all I can do. I tried to spend yesterday writing and I just…I don’t know. I’m working three jobs right now, two of which without pay. I’m so exhausted. I don’t know how much longer I can[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…


  • Ninja and Pirate: Sorry About That

    Ninja and Pirate: Sorry About That

    Reblog via Ninja and Pirate I had to go into work today AND make a full comic. And I’ve been in a serious depressive funk the last few weeks, this comic’s lack of readership playing no small part in that so the best I can[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…


  • Ninja and Pirate: Badonkadon’tbother

    Ninja and Pirate: Badonkadon’tbother

    Reblog via Joba Fett Happy birthday to my younger sister. She’ll be 32 this year and 30 of those years have been absolutely miserable, often due to my own actions. I’m sorry I’ve been such a terrible brother to you and such an awful[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…